Reproductive Health – Output Based Aid

ThRH-OBA (Reproductive Health – Output Based Aid) is an initiative co-funded by the German Development Bank (KfW) and the Government of Kenya. It provides quality reproductive health care services for economically disadvantaged populations.

Services offered in RH-OBA

PriceWaterhouseCoopers Limited (PwC) acts as the Voucher Management Agency (VMA), a body which runs this project on behalf of the Government of Kenya. The distributors and field managers are deputed for field jobs, i.e. evaluation, verification, and registration of beneficiaries.

To extend medical services to these beneficiaries, existing Medical Service Providers (hospitals, nursing homes, doctors, etc.) are associated who are reimbursed for their services.

  • Safe Motherhood
  • Family Planning
  • Gender-Based Violence Monitoring

RH-OBA System Includes


Evaluation, registration, and verification of beneficiaries in the field


Auto generation of service provider’s reimbursement claims


Auto claim processing with the help of medics


Identity confirmation of registered beneficiaries at service provider locations


Electronic Payment System to release payments to ‘service providers’ against approved claims


Accounting of the complete RH-OBA system

Our system ensures successful operation and monitoring of the RH-OBA project

It is a smart card-based system which deploys hand-held & desktop terminals, enabled with fingerprint readers to automate the working of the project.

Hand-held terminals are used for enrolling of the beneficiaries at remote sites by distributors & field managers. The smart cards are issued to a beneficiary on the spot, replacing the manual vouchers used earlier. Further, this enrolment information is instantly sent to the main VMA server to update the central records. This eliminates enrolment related frauds in the project.

The hospitals or Service Providers (VSP) associated with RH-OBA are provided with desktop terminals enabled with biometric readers. Whenever a beneficiary walks-in there to avail their services, their identity is verified by matching the fingerprint. Only after verification of the identity, the required services are extended and a ‘reimbursement claim’ is automatically generated and transmitted to the main server. This process eliminates fraudulent claims and ensures that project funds are utilised only by the registered beneficiaries

At VMA office, the claim is processed by the system automatically and analysed by the medics if the need arises. The claim is approved or rejected as the case may be. In case of approval, claim is forwarded to accounts department for payment, while rejected claims are returned to the service provider for further queries. The ‘claim reimbursement’ process is expedited keeping the service provider happy and interested in the project.